
About Me

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I believe in the motto of Live Life Kingsize. The Past was beautiful, the Future looks attractive but I live for the amazing Present. I am a Chemical Engineer working as a General Manager for Sartorius Stedim Biotech( India. I have two growing up children and a lovely wife and we live with my parents in Bangalore. Sharp Wit, Humour and Analytical Thinking are some of my qualities which inevitably land me in trouble.

Wednesday 30 July 2008

The Terror Strikes in Gujarat

Ever wondered why all the recent terror strikes have only been in BJP (Bhartiya Janata Party) ruled states in India? Is it to destabilize the BJP governments there or is it part of a larger conspiracy to destabilize the Govt. at the Center which is led by Congress (I)? No matter which school of thought you subscribe to, you are essentially hinting at Government (read politicians) led terror strikes and that is what makes me very worried.

If there is even an iota of truth in this thinking, it is a scary thought because then there is no way that we can induce a sense of safety amongst the common man. Suddenly the whole defense mechanism of the country has to look inwards and that too without the active support of the powers-that-be and, that in itself, compromises the security of the country from the evil designs of the anti-India forces.

The Fear Factor normally alters the reaction mechanism in human beings. The Fight-or-Flight mechanism sets in. A heightened sense of mistrust and fear starts affecting how we deal with our neighbours and our friends to an extent that it could mar perfectly nice relationships, cultured and cultivated over years, for ever. I am already sensing an eerie aloofness in people I came across at the airport after 18 bombs were found in Surat in a single day!

I feel appalled at the thought that the guy sitting next to me in the plane could be planning something sinister as he gazes blankly outside the window. For all you know, he may perhaps be trying to reason out why he shouted at his wife this morning just because the omlette was a bit overdone, or wondering what could he do to ensure the success of his ensuing meeting and clinch the deal so critical to his company. Or even worse, he could be pondering on what sinister plans I have in my mind which is making me restless!

I am not happy at the prospect of trying to explain to my wife why I have to go to the same very cities for business which have been put on a High Alert. I am not happy to be stuck in a hotel room for the better part of an evening because there could be a bomb planted on the same very footpath I have to walk on or in the shop which I might be tempted to enter. I am not happy to be living amongst fear-struck and gloomy faces. I am not happy to

I hope the powers-to-be will see reason soon enough and will do whatever they can to stop this madness, whether or not they are involved. After all, who ever wanted to govern a People who have been paralyzed by fear?

Let the sanity return. Let us also renew our pledge to fight this menace with our tenacity, alertness and combined mental strength and resilience of a nation which has survived much more over thousands of years.

Long Live India. Long live its people. Amen.

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